Sunday 25 July 2010

It's late my lovelies but one last post before I go to bed.
I have already done one of the things on my to do list. which was to talk picture while on a walk. I took photos. lots. and so did my boyfriend. I took a few of horses.
I'm not even joking, There are loads of horses.
Tomorrow is Monday and I am planning on doing another thing on my list. So there is plenty more to see.

"Before God we are all equally wise- and equally foolish" - Albert Einstein
Hey guys.

My friend just told me that he wished he could spend more time with his gran but he can't as he works so much. He needs to pay rent, car insurance, for petrol, food and the bus fair.
So my solution is sleep on the streets, eat from a dustbin, get a bus pass and steal petrol. At least it made him laugh :)
Life is expensive these days so we work. But you gotta remember that money doesn't always equal happiness and you need your family and friends too. Take a day to spend some time with your loved ones, we can't all work like robots. Sometime you need to take time to enjoy what you have earned. :)

Friday 23 July 2010

Day 2!


So yesterday I didn't go out, I had a lazy day. So for my second day of freedom from school, I'm going to do one of my things on my to do list.
And that thing is...
*drum roll please*
Take a walk and photograph everything!
*claps and cheers*

Yup, When I say everything, I mean everything. well...within reason. haha

I shall upload some of them eg the pretty ones of the places I've walked. Most of them will probably be of my lovely boyfriend.
Speaking of lovely boyfriend he is just walking over.. I should get ready.. Like now... :D

Thursday 22 July 2010

Summer to do list

It is the first day of the summer holidays and I have made a summer to do list....Well started it. It will grow as so far I only have 19 things.
  1. Make a Scrapbook
  2. Spend a day taking photos
  3. Go on a picnic
  4. Bake cookies
  5. Draw
  6. Make a Collage
  7. Do some gardening
  8. Go swimming
  9. Watch the stars
  10. Watch the sun rise
  11. Watch the sun set
  12. Start a blog <--- First day and I've already done it!
  13. Make smoothies
  14. Start a Photo Journal
  15. Go on a walk
  16. Go on a walk and photograph everything
  17. Make bracelets
  18. Bake cupcakes
  19. Stay up all night
See, Not so bad. Working progress

"Everyone is a genius at least once a year. The real geniuses simply have their bright ideas closer together.- Georg Christoph Lichtenberg"

Hello World

Here is my blog. My second one. But this time it's going to be better. Honestly.
So I've named it daydreamer because basically I daydream..a lot. :)
I'm going to put stuff about dreams, and star signs, and my daily life in this blog. Mainly because; 1)I like dreams
2) I like star signs
3) I will run out of things to say unless I add my life.
So sorry if I bore you :D